Wednesday, January 28, 2009

NEW! The gems is on us!

I just love this blogger world, you learn new thing everyday! After we've been tagged by Josh & Jess in Wellington NZ to play open the 5th folder, 5th photo game and now our dearest friends in Upstate NY Oreo & Misty invite us to play the LETTER game. We were given the letter S and we need to list at least 5 things beginning with S.

Do you think this is cheating?

S for smart Sing

S for stupid Seagull

S for super Saturn

S for silly Skye

S for speedy Sizzle

As this is a truly international game, I better behaved, so here we go ...

1. SWIM - Sing wishes there is a lake/pond everywhere so he can go swimming anytime anywhere!

2. SQUIRRELS - Great game for the boys! They love to play chase with them!

3. SHOW - Sing & Saturn said: we hate going to an agility show, mummy make us run and run and run!! Titan, Skye & Sizzle said: we hate to stuck in the car/caravan, we want to get out there and play! Seagull said: I am quite happy to stuck in the car/caravan as I get plenty of treats and chews. Ah! That's heaven!

4. SHY - the boys said: we don't know why mummy keeps asking us to "shy shy" as we are so outgoing and we are definitely not shy of anything!!

5. SOCKS - wee Sizzle loves to play with socks, not the clean one unfortunately, the smelly the merrier!!

... now, can I add one more S, please?

that is SLEEP! I am so tired to find these five Sssss and my brain needs to sleep!

Hehe ... now I want to pass this fun game to ...........

the HudsonDoglets, and the letter is H , I know Nancy has a smart brain!


Sara said...

Great words for your dogs! You made me smile (another "s" word)!

Chris and Ricky said...

Very cute "s" words! I thought the cheating was funny and would've qualified as playing the game but it was good to see the other words you came up with! Also love the photo at the end of the Knight's Shelties! What a happy bunch - still can't believe you have 6 Shelties though! Mom can barely handle me!!!!