Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I received quite a few emails from friends asking me WHICH Easter agility show I was going and how did I get on. Well, while everyone I know enjoying their Easter Agility Shows, we were rushing about here and there doing something else. We ended up pretty exhausted by the end of Monday night.
Sizzle had another Flyball Starters on Good Friday, the weather was miserable, very WET and MUDDY by the end of the morning runs. We were out very late on Thursday, not plan but something pop up at the very last minute, so we didn't get to bed until 1:30am and woke up at 5am to drive down to Stockbridge. I forgot Sizzle's ball. Yes, he has his own special little ball or one of Sing's soft standard size tennis ball. I was so tired until I left everything behind. He worked hard for me in the morning, eventhough I can see he wasn't keen to pick up other ball but he did tried his best to do what he was supposed to do. In the afternoon, the ground got very bad, the mud was so thick and slippery and it was still drizzling, Sizzle decided he had enough. It started with me and Sizzle changing to close with Bonnie (Goldie), she dropped the ball at the last jump coming back, I sent Sizzle and he picked the ball that Bonnie dropped and I told him NO and sent him again, that probably confused the poor little chap and he refused to go up to the box to bring the ball back. I then gave him another go, he went up to the box but came back with nothing, so I decided he will have a rest for the day.
Again, Saturday and Sunday were busy, we wanted a relaxing weekend but a lot of last minute things pop up, so we were rushing here and there again ... the plan of going to bed early on Sunday night didn't fulfill. We got to bed around mid-night and woke up at 5am again the next morning to drive down to Stockbrige for the Multibreed racing. Sing was in the Team this time.
Sing was a good boy, I need not to worry at all, we have five dogs in the Team, Sing was racing in the morning and Wellie took over in the afternoon. We had a good run and the Team finished at 4th.

The weather has been very wet, so no weave training with Sizzle in the garden but we are refreshing some tricks indoor with a lot of distractions. He is getting better and getting more focus onto me.


Sara said...

Great job with the flyball!

Sizzle looked the fastest in his team. It was amazing to see how much faster Sing's team was, compared to Sizzle's. I guess they get even faster with more experience.

ann said...

looks like you were having fun lian,missed you at the agility shows.

Ann x

Vonnie said...

I just LOVE flyball! Look at them GO! Sizzle is brill for the short time he has been going! Sing well what can I say class dog! Quite funn when Sizzle was running down Ellie jumped up beside me and woofed at the screen! LOL!!!!!! I noticed they kept the FASTEST dogs to last! I wonder who they were LOL!!!!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Sizzle is really enjoying this, isn't he? And he looked the fastest in his team too. Good work!!