I started with a very rough week last week. I must have somehow caught a bad cold early of the week because when I went to train at Bernadette on Wednesday, I was puffing and panting running around the course. I don't think I was normally that bad but I can feel a temperature after the training. I was in bed all day on Thursday and have to miss my club training. I was wondering should I miss the Suffolk 5 Rivers show too! But, Saturn is going to pair with Leo for the first time and I do not like to let people down, so I have to pull myself together and set off on Friday to Suffolk.
Suffolk Showground is a lovely showground, I am definitely back next year. I saw there were many hook up points but I wasn't sure if we are allow to use it but we were happy with our battery for the weekend. The Showground is massive, there is always plenty of space to walk your dogs and there are a couple of fence up bits where they have some wild animals live in there. We went to explore and enjoyed the quiet beautiful place. The Suffolk 5 Rivers members are very friendly too, overall, a lovely friendly show.
I wasn't 100% fit, I felt rough especially in the morning, I was coughing, choking, craoky ... and poor Saturn was so confused when he heard my croaky voice. He was a good boy, he tried so hard but I was short of breath to catch up with him and he could not understand my croaky voice and he looked all confused!! He has a couple of clear round in Jumping but not fast enough to beat the Collies!
Suffolk 5 Rivers show is the first show that I have to run Sing and Saturn in different classes. Saturn's classes were in the morning and Sing's were in the afternoon, normally after lunch. When I took Saturn out, Sing has to be locked in the caravan with the others, so I wonder that actually help power him up (jealousy!!). Everytime, when Colin and I took Saturn out, I can hear him crying (very sad crying ... it actually broke my heart everytime I hear it).
Now, some good news ... Sing won out of Grade 4 by 7 seconds on Saturday! He was a real star this weekend, he also got a 2nd in Jumping. He continues to shine on Sunday, YES, he won the Jumping class. I was thrilled with his double win!! I was a bit upset about the Agiltiy on Sunday, it was another course that need a lots of handling and I knew we can win the class provided Sing will not leap off the Dog Walk. It wasn't a starightline after the Dog Walk, it was a sharp right turn which I have to be on the other side of the jump to switch 2 times. I pulled away too fast and too far and Sing ping the Dog Walk and we got fault on that! Beside this only fault, he was 10 seconds faster than the winner!! I am very pleased with my Sing, I set a target beginning of this year to make him a Grade 5 dog by the end of the year and it fulfilled. Isn't this is the GOOD way to end the agility season?
After this weekend, I need to work hard with Sing on Dog Walk turning left and right; and I also need to learn how to TRUST Saturn. My winter project!
Sorry, there is no video of the winning moment, Sing still run out to his daddy all the time and Colin would not want to risk it BUT I captured a very tired Sing after his run of the day!! This poor tired boy deserved a good sleep, I need to give up my bed for him. I have to sleep on the floor with the others!!

I am very glad to meet up with Linda and her three lovely shelties. Linda pop in with her hubby and shelties to keep us company. Isn't it nice to have friends around when you camp alone?
The handsome pair, Leo and Saturn. They have a similar face.
This is the beautiful merlie girlie Flowie
Leo is a football mad

This is Leo's circus trick

and this is Oscar