I can't wait to say Goodbye to 2008. Obviously this is a very sad year for me ...
TWO very sad things happened this year:
on 1st July, I took Saturn to the vet for his biopsy. The reason being ... the vet wanted to know why he is so easily affected by campylobacter. I was happily dropping him off in the morning, hoping to see my bouncy Saturn in the evening. Unfortunately, when I picked him up later in the evening, he looks very miserable and I was shocked to find out that the vet had operated 7" inches along his tummy, for the three full thickness biopsy!
My "always happy" boy was very miserable for a very long time. The result came back as "VERY SENSITIVE STOMACH"!! After that, we have been sending in fecal samples every month for a regular check up if the campylobacter has returned. The good news is he is ALL CLEAR!
I have been feeling very guilty for taking him to the biopsy for not knowing better what the vet was going to do to him. I know he was on and off catching this nasty campylobacter for 10 months, both the vet and I wanted to get to the bottom of this problem but when I saw how this boy suffered from the opeartion, I just wish that I haven't agree to this biopsy!
He was on steriods since August but I have weaned him off three weeks ago. He is looking much happier now. The fur (from the chest all the way down) that the vet shaved off for the operation does not grow back properly, eventhough they look long but they are very loose, they didn't cover his tummy very well, in this very cold weather is not going to do him any good. I have heard that the steriods may have stop anything from growing. His breeder suggested I could give him some Yumega in his dinner and someone from the Sheltie Forum also have a secret recipe for coat regrow ... boiled the dandelion leaves and leave the "tea" in the fridge for 4 days then start giving a teaspoon of the tea in his dinner. Someone has already tried that and within 10 weeks, the fur is in full groom! Now, where can I find dandelion in winter???
We have a lot to catch up in training but first of all, I need to get him fit before return fully into agility, so we do hill walking daily and we will go back swimming after the New Year, hopefully he will be ready for the new season.

bare tummy Saturn sun bathing
On 10th December, I lost my very brave brother to liver cancer. He is the greatest brother! I miss him dearly!

my beloved brother, photo taken on my 40th birthday family dinner
I have also look back to find out some good things that I have achieved with my boys ...Sing and I were on the reserved for ESSC TriStars Sheltie Team. The TriStars (Zen, Chi, Ace and Taz) has qualified for Crufts. Zen was whelping and I was told that Sing and I will be running at Crufts. I was very proud of Sing. He took eveything in his on stride.
The TriStars Shelties came 2nd in the Semi-Final and 2nd in the Final
above photo left to right: Karen & Ace, Amy & Taz, Lian & Sing, Lisa & Chi
Sing and I also had a brilliant year together, from 2o/2o to running contacts, he is just fantastic. He won into Grade 5 at Summer Agility Show in August, he then went on to have two more agility wins at Prestbury Park in September.
I am very proud of Sing
Sing also won the Agility Club anuual award ... Medium Grade 4 Dog of The Year 2008
Sing does not look very impress with his crystal but mummy does!!
Saturn won into Grade 4 at Landsdown in June, it was a good win, he was 5 seconds ahead of the 2nd place and I am so proud of him. I know once he gets it, he will win in style.
way to go, Saturn!
Sizzle's breeder sent me this photo of him at 7 weeks and I fell in love straight away! So, this boy comes home with me on 5th July and I enjoy having this little mischief every moment.
lost of words