Wednesday, April 30, 2008
update on agility news
UKA Scrambles (Fri 4th & Sat 5th April)
Both Sing and Saturn did very well. This was our 2nd time at UKA. The first time was nearly 2 years ago, me competing with Sing at GT!! Sing & Saturn were competing at the Beginners level, I am glad that Saturn got to do some simple flowing course, which he much needed to build up his speed. He was a real good boy.
Sorry no videos for Friday, Colin was at work and I was on my own!! I was very nervous when I have to take the all dogs on my own but the parking was very nice, close to rings. I will have to search through the video camera for some runs for the past few weekends.
Sheltie Agility Show (Sun 13th April)Wallingford (Sun 20th April)
Certainly Saturn didn't do well at Wallingford. He started to hesitate again on the A Frame, at one class, he actually freeze on top of the A Frame, unfortunately there is no video to find out the answer but someone did say to me it could be the judge was standing too close to the A Frame but I don't think that would worried Saturn. He got a a 5th in the Grade 3 Agility (?).
WBSDS (Sat 26th & Sun 27th April)
The boys did ok. Saturn yet was another naughty sheltie!! We have friends came to visit us on Saturday with their show shelties and Saturn took fancy on the girls, can't remember which girl but he was crazy, real crazy that he could not concentrate. I tried very hard to get his attention back but his mind just drifted off. Unfortunately I have three dogs to run and I have four classes first thing in the morning, so there is no time for me to fool about, especially Saturn and Skye were both in the same class and you have to run according to your running order. I was so much hoping Saturn will do well in the graded jumping, and YES, he disappointed me!! He didn't even look at me at the start line and after he took off, he just shot in a straightline and would not listen to me at all!!! After we came out from the ring, I have to kindly tell my friend to "go away" when Saturn is in the other ring. Luckily I got his attention back (not fully but at least 80%) and he got a 4th in the Agility. Not a smooth round, his turn was wide and he hesitate on the A Frame a little. We then have to wait for few hours before his Jumping. He was much better in the morning but I worried about the 7 weaves and lost time in that, so he got 6th in the Jumping. Yes, funnily, on Saturday, the Agility and Jumping have 7 weaves!!! On Sunday, Saturn was much happier, no girls to chase, so he better pay attention to me. He and Sing were in the same classes, all the classes were 1-4 combined/graded. The Comibined Agility was the first thing, he started off fine until the A Frame, he didn't miss the contact but run through it and I decided to put him back, and that probably was my big mistake by putting him back. The judge told me to put him on the target point instead of doing the whole A Frame, so when came to the graded class, he actually freeze on top of the A Frame again. I was very frustrated at that point. I asked the judge if I could redo the A Frame and she was kind enough to let do that but bad Saturn hesitate and came down slowly, so I have to pick him up to do the last jump. We both were unhappy so at the end of the day, our jumping round was messy and got a 10th.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sing and Saturn updates
Saturn is the only dog that I can trust to be with Sing.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
problems? Help!

Sunday, April 20, 2008
just a quick update
Sunday, April 06, 2008
April Snow
me sledging
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
photos from Crufts
Spring at Shuttleworth
mad O'roukes
The Hardy Family
we are on the way up to the Rock
Colin and Sing and Saturn were brave enough to climb where I chicken out on the slippery rock!! I think the boys did better than their daddy!!
Don't think the boys enjoyed taking photos!!
After a warm pub lunch, we found Biddulph Grange Garden ( to burn off the calories we have just taken. It was a lovely long walk in the snow, sunshine and rain!
Biddulph Grange Garden is a very big garden, you just walk miles and miles ... they have a few different walks, some are difficult and some are gentle ... this is a long road, which way now?
a miserable Seagull walking in the rain
They wonder why I don't come up there with them!!
The Boys at Beacon Fell Country Park. This Park has a lot of sculptures.
Day 5, we went to Dove Dale, one of my favourite walks this holiday! It was a lovely day with a bit of rain but mainly dry. The attraction is the famous stepping stones! Colin and the boys walked on the stepping stones a few times on the beginning of the walks. The water was quite strong and some stones even under the water but the boys enjoyed themselves. On the journey back, I have a go and got all wet but we were very happy as we have all tried it!
we found this "money tree" on the walk in Dove Dale!
Skye on the stepping stones
Colin and Sing waiting for us
Bless him, he was so tired after the long walk, he fell sleep standing while we had our cup of tea!
Day 6, the last day of our holiday, we took it very easy, stay in the campsite, do the local walks. It was a lovely "sunny" day for a short while, so we can have our breakfast outside the caravan!!
Woodland Caravan Park
While out walking, Saturn practising his herding/stalking on the sheep!! I think he certainly has the potential to herd!!
We have some snow!!
This is Colin's fault, he chucked the ball in the muddy swamp and sent Sing to fetch it, of course he is a good boy, do as daddy told to, and he came back cover in mud. This is not funny as he got eye infection after that and he was bad on Saturday and worst on Sunday!!
At the end of our holiday, I came up with a new name, THE HARDY FAMILY for us. We walked miles in the snow, heavy rain, gales force wind ... and we survived!