Friday, February 23, 2007
We have another swim star!
I took Skye for a swimming lesson some weeks ago at Greyfriars Hydrotherapy pool in Guilford but he wasn't keen of the idea (he was very frigthened!). I was very surprised because he is the one that show most interested in water and fetch something out of it.
I thought I will give everyone a chance so yesterday I took Saturn in for his first swim. Obviously he does not like the tiny little jacket. The staff tried to put a SMALL jacket on him and poor Saturn was so tiny under his thick coat, so he can only fit in the EXTRA SMALL jacket! It was very funny to see him wearing such a tiny jacket (chihuahua size).
When the staff tried to take him into the water, he was a bit worried so I have to swim away to recall him from the other end of the pool. I knew he would come to me as he is very attach to me and never like to leave my side at all. The staff lift him into the water and he straightaway paddle naturally and swim towards me. The staff tried to help him to turn when he comes nearer to me just in case his paw will scratch me when he paddles. It was good fun and happy to see another one of my shelties can swim. It didn't take him long to realise he can swim and retrieve. After 2 rounds with assistant, he then started to jump into the water on his own and swim towards me and I help him to turn around and chuck a ball for him to retrieve. I didn't think he would fetch the ball as normally the first swim is very stressful for a dog but I was wrong, very wrong, he swim towards the ball and fetch it in his mouth and didn't let go until I released him.
What a clever Saturn! This is going to amaze his daddy, he thought he would never swim! The staff told me he is such a strong swimmer, I guess she is right. He swam so fast and trying very hard to pleased me.
Here is a video clip of Sing swimming in Mitcham Common:
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
snowy mood ... my favourite shots
I tried to capture some action photos of the boys and it is never an easy job!
I don't know why but this photo reminded me of the Japnese Sakura (their national flower).
I like this photo for no reason!
This photo reminded me the snowy storm when we were out there walking
Friday, February 09, 2007
playing in the snow
Seagull teases Titan ...
and the game is about to begin ...
Here we go ...
Titan: I am ready!
Seagull: I'm up, let's get me!
Off they go again ...
Titan: I nearly got you!
Seagull: ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ...
Thursday, February 08, 2007
6 inches of snow?
Well behaved boys
I was told that we are going to have 6 inches of snow today. Will it? Really? That would be exciting ... we can built a snowman!
Sing loves the snow
There is no squirrel in the snow
Deep thought: do you think mummy is a bit crazy?
Saturn: I totally agreed with you, why is she snowball fight with Sing?
Unfortunately, there was a bad news for Colin, there is NO Northern Line, so he has to catch a bus into work and this took him nearly 2.5 hours to get into his Office. No wonder he hates snow! Can't blame him, can I?
I am always the lucky one, no need to go to work, my work is to look after the dogs, train the dogs, play with the dogs ... anything to do with the dogs!Skye: Do you think I should join in the snowball fight, that looks a bit scarry!
We are out in the Common since 8am this morning, it was still snowing when we were out in the Common. The boys enjoying the snow, they have been running, chasing each other and experienced the snow fall. I too enjoyed myself with the boys, unfortunately there is no one to take a photo of me running like a mad woman!!!
BTW, we didn't get home till 10:30am, not until the batteries ran out!!Seagull: Whatever you do, it didn't bother me at all, I just want to look pretty
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Titan time
Friday, February 02, 2007
Don't worry ... be HAPPY
I need a good sleep tonight!
I have not been sleeping well since Sunday and I desperate need a good night sleep tonight! I've planned to leave home around 6am, wanted to get there nice and early so I have plenty of time to do a little work with Saturn, basically I just want him to pay his full attention to me. I think it is very important for your dog to focus on you.
Saturn is always been a sweetheart, very attach. I don't think I will have a lot of trouble for him to be with me but you never know. The place will be all new to him, all the scent and the people and other dogs around ...