My little Sizzle has turned into a little terror!! Didn't I get all worried that him being a bit shy and reserved? Well, I am all wrong!! I never thought an older puppy will take a little longer to adapt compare to those 8/9 weeks old pup but Sizzle is great! I think he has come out of himself now. He is outgoing, "naughty", playful ... everything a pup should like.
He has a few bad habits ... namely, TUGGING on your trouser/socks really hard!!! Every evening, when Colin comes back from work, he has his eye set on his daddy's socks!! He will tug and rattle when we sit there watching the tele or eating our dinner!
I took him to the Vet this morning for his 2nd vaccination, I have to say he was great at the Vet. I went there early so he could get to look around before putting him on the table. He was wondering around the reception and watching the deliveryman piling up the food. I also took the opportunity to see if he will play with me and yes, we had a little play there.
He was very good on the table, he has his microchip done today, no yelping at all, acted like a good little man. After the vet finished with him, I let him wonder around the room while Kevin examines Saturn, guess what? He went to tug on Kevin's trouser, really HARD!! Good litte terror!!
We went to Caerphilly on the weekend, Sizzle was a real good boy. We left home around 11:30 and the poor little chap was holding his toilet for as long as he could. I did explain to him that we are not going home for the weekend and he better learn how to use the big field for his toilet. He was a good little puppy, he didn't mess up in the caravan at all and he finally realised he has to go in the big open space for his toilet.
He love chasing those Border Collies!! I wonder if he thinks he is one of them? I've tried to encourage him to play in the garden to start with and we have a good game of tug and retrieve which I am really happy with. I am hoping he will play with me when we are outside, I am trying hard.
He also get to meet a lot of people and he took fancy on Karen (Ace's mum), he was tugging on Karen fleece (sorry Karen!). Elizabeth & Ziga dropped in on Saturday evening, the two pups had a real good play. I can't tell you how much fun they have but just watching these two tearing around is never enough!!

when I managed to get all the dogs to look this way, why their dad had to turn away?

Sizzle & Ziga having a fab time

Two handsome chappies

THREE in a row