Monday, October 08, 2007

Shelties are the BEST!

Shelties are the BEST
I have all my nephews staying with me now eventhough the second nephew is study in the University of Kent but will come back to me over the weekends when I don't go to show. All the boys are very good with animals, gentle and kind and all my shelties take on to them with no problem at all. Seagull may take longer than the others but he is now think they are the best of friends to him! Ling (picture below) is my eldest nephew's girl friend who study in the City University. She resides in the University Hall in London during the week and comes back during the weekends, she was very frightened of any dogs before she comes to England. I remembered once when we were back home visiting and we went on holidays together, she was petrified by all the strays dogs and wouldn't move at all. Somehow she was worried sick before coming to England, she knew she is going to stay with me for a while but she can't possibly imagine living with five dogs! I reassure her hundred of times that my shelties are the best, they would not bite her but will lick her to death!! When she arrived a month ago, I was getting worry, I wasn't sure how she is going to react and how my dogs are going to react. I knew if you show your nerve and the dogs will show their nerve and that can turn worst. I was so glad when they got home, the dogs just took on my command to stay calm until she settled and I introduced them one by one and since then, she is great with them and they are great with her!!

The picture above shows Ling is absolutely adore the boys!

I was very ill for the last couple of weeks, down with terrible cold and flu. I was constantly coughing, choking and vomiting for one whole week and I spent most of the time in bed moaning! The dogs were very unahppy that I could not take them out for their usual walk but they were very good, they lie in bed with me to keep me warm and company, Shelties are the best!
Saturday was my sister in law Kyung Yeon's birthday, so we thought we could get together and have a nice walk in Richmond Park. She was also frightened of dogs before we met her, again, my shelties have melted her heart and she loves them to bits and wanted a dog of her own, unfortunately she and Russell has a full time job, raising a dog is not the best of time, just yet. I hope, one day they will have one (a sheltie?) to make them happy just like my boys did to all of us.
a group photo at Richmond Park
The dogs enjoyed themselves very much, after all summer long agility, this is a treat to them. No one can stop Sing from swimming in the freezing cold water as usual. He really enjoyed being in the water. For the first time, I finally got Saturn to swim in the open water (he only swims in the pool), I was really proud of him!

Shelties are the best! There were so many deers in Richmond Park but once I command them to STAY and they just stood there wathing the deers rather than chasing them.


Karen said...

lovely family pictures Lian x

A A A =) said...

I used to have 'dog-phobia' in Malaysia but not anymore now!

Hudsondoglets said...

Your boys did you proud! It is good that they were calm and helped to get someone over a phobia.

Lovely photos. Sorry to hear you've been so poorly and hope you're on the mend.