Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I will miss them
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sizzle and his DW
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sizzle's training

It was so funny that all dogs (Yes! All dogs!) decided they will go up to the A Frame after jump #4 instead of jump #5 then the see-saw. We all know that all dogs love to go up to the contacts so they can get their rewards (food) but I can't understand why they all chose the A Frame and not see-saw! Before we did our first run, Eleanor has warned us that the dog may pick up the A Frame as it was very obvious to the dog when they took jump #4, we need to work hard to get the dog's attention to do jump #5 then they will see the see-saw.
My first try with Sizzle was to put him on a wait, then lead out to slightly pass jump #2, then recall and run, he took all the jumps but after jump #4, he went straight up to the A Frame!! I didn't want to stop and restart again (I have learned not to do this with a baby dog), so I run with him from the A Frame to jump #1, that made it worst as I was so far behind (now I know I cannot do a running start with him!) and the three jumps were not in a staright line, I did tried to push him out but he missed all the jumps and went straight up to the A Frame again!!! I decided we had a game then restart it in a proper way.
Our thrid try was so much better, he responded to me when he took jump #4, eventhough he was wide as I call him a little too late but he took jump #5 and did his "wobble". Our 4th and last try on that sequence has captured in the video below. He now has also learned to do the see-saw (his big wobble board) independently but he sometimes still come off too early. We need to work hard on that but my see-saw has taken down early this year to train his running contact and I lost the nuts to put it back together!!!
In the 2nd video, you can see this sequence below:

again, all the other dogs (not Sizzle) find the jump #4, #5, #6 to tunnel impossible. My first attempt with Sizzle was not very successful, Eleanor took out the see-saw and replaced with jump #6, so all the dogs were looking for the see-saw after jump #5. The see-saw was lying on the floor, so all the dogs were jumping all over it looking for food!! Luckily my second attempt was a successful one. Sizzle loves his pipe tunnel, he went straight into the tunnel from jump #6 and I have time to switch and pick him up on my right to finish the sequence. Phew!
Our running dog walk was a mess at the moment. Due to Sizzle's illness and the new "hit it" board problem, we kept putting the training off. We have not done any dog walk for at least a couple of months. Before Sizzle was ill, I have try to put a ball at the end of the dog walk for him to stop him leaping off and add my new cue "get it". I wasn't sure if he got the cue, as sometimes he hit the contact area and sometimes not. I have put the ball further and further. I am not too happy with my training. I wanted to try out some new options this week but the wind was so strong and I do not want him to blow off, so no training until the wind die down, this probably mean, no dog walk at all until I come back from Belgium. I have taught him "target" separately but never put that on practise, maybe I will try the 2o/2o. I will give it a good thought when I am in Belgium.
As all the dogs were pretty bad this week, we didn't get much done at this training. I stayed back for 5 extra minutes when the class was over, just to do the weaves. It was a competition upright weave, I started putting Sizzle on the lead, hopefully he will drag me to weave and with the lead on, I can correct him if he goes into a wrong poles. He started off well but missed the last 2 but I managed to pull him back to correct him. We did three more on the lead, no mistake. I decided to try it off lead, and he finished with no mistake. I should have done it on the right hand weave as well but I thought he was good, so I finished off in good mood.
here is our little training video, I've also added the one Sizzle learning the cloth tunnel at the end:
Monday, May 18, 2009
"spider" sheepdog!
The above picture: Sizzle is not a food orientated dog, we always have some trouble using some treats at training. He only likes good food like Roast Beef/Roast Ham/Roast Chicken (not the boil chicken!) but he loves his usual dog food so much. He is quite a fast eater too. Sing is the slowest among all the dogs. Sizzle always eyed on Sing's bowl after his gulp down all his food.
Saturday, May 16, 2009

I got home today from the Flyball to receive this Good Luck card from our ESSC (English Shetland Sheepdog Club) Working Section wishing me and Sing Good Luck at our European Flyball Champsionship. We shall be leaving for Belgium in about 10 days time. I started to get a little excited now. I have never compete abroad before, this should be a good experienced. I am looking forward to our Belgium trip.
Good Luck card from ESSC Working Section
Monday, May 11, 2009
this and that

Now, little update on my little sunshine. Sizzle has definitely fully recover from his sudden illness. I started taking him out walking last Thursday, he was fine. He was catching ball in the air and chasing birds. I didn't let him swim in the pond eventhough he was crying, dying to go in to fetch the ball. We didn't do anything training until today.
Sizzle and his collection of talking toys!
Sizzle is not a lucky boy, we went training today, it was very windy. We were doing a jump onto the A Frame and somehow he fell flat on the up plank. I guess the strong wind must have coming from behind him and somehow "push" him while he was running up the plank. He was very "flat" (like a spider stick on the A Frame) but he did crawl up and finish off the A Frame on the other side. He had a little bruise on his chin and lower lip. I gave him some arnica and he needs more rest, so no training for at least three days.
Monday, May 04, 2009
more about Sizzle
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Sizzle is better!
Sizzle: Daddy, can I have that piece of bacon, please?