What an unusual weekend for me but I was very relaxing and enjoyed every minutes with the boys and their dad NOT in the showground! Colin and the boys were so happy to be out and explored new exciting places!!
We spent Saturday morning doing some gardening ... mawn the lawn, tidy up the annoying weed, plant some more fushias (Colin, not me!) & watering the poor droopy plants. Oh! I also remembered to feed the poor fish after 3 weeks' starvation!! My brother & sister in law came over to visit us about late afternoon. We have not seen them for a long time so it was good to catch up. Then, there was a football on (Man U v Chelsea), the men were watching while we ladies nearly falling asleep!! After the footie, we were supposed to take the boys to Richmond Park so Sing can have a nice swim in the beautiful pond but the time would not allow us to drive an hour to get there (blamed the football!! No goal in the 90 minutes and they have go on for extra 30 minutes!!). The traffic at that time will be terrible, instead we went to Mitcham Common. We walked more than 2 hours, this including Sing swimming in the dirty pond, me climbing the tree and the dogs went mad and barked at me!! We had a good fun time in the Common and when we got home, it started to get dark and I sent Colin and his brother Russell out for a bon fire. We have chopped down some trees last year to create more space for me to practice in the garden and it is time to get rid of them. We then have my "secret" recipe sausage casserole for dinner! I think everybody must have enjoyed my cooking as all the plates were shine & clean!! Or they were too hungry and gulp it all down??
It is his job to mawn the lawn but I always help to trim the edges
It is very kind of my nephew Yung to help trimming the Willow Tree

We spotted this weird mushroom grows in a big tree in Mitcham Common

As usual, we cannot stop Sing swimming in the pond. I guess the gease is fed up with him disturbing the calming water, he was behind him to chase him off!!

Sing is very good in catching the ball in the air, I always wanted to capture the special moment but all our timing is wrong. I think I need a professional photograher sitting there all day watching us playing and maybe he would be able to get the right photo but thanks to Russell's patient to get this photo of Sing catching a ball.
Colin likes adventorous stuff, we saw this unstable swing and he decided he should have a go. I don't think the boys were impressed by their crazy dad!!

I am pretty good at climbing tree (is this anything to do with me born in the year of the Monkey?). I must admist this tree is a bit difficult and it need a bit of climbing skill to get up there. I finally got up there and Colin thought he would join me for some fun!

Well, Kyung Yeon was impressed and she wanted to have a go with Russell's help. Here they are both on the tree, well done!

Colin is HOOK to his "toy" (a Blackberry) and here he is showing it off to his bro & sis in law.
Sunday was a beautiful day. We heard from the weather forecast to say that they will be a light shower especially down the South coast but we have planned to go to Chichester Harbour or Hayling Island for a day out! Well, whether rain or shine, we are going!!
First, on the way down to the south coast, we stopped by Sussex Caravan to buy a new jockey wheel to replace the stolen one; then we headed to Angmering to sort out our old caravan. Good-bye Dorothy (that's what we used to call her!)! All the jobs done and it is time to enjoy ourselves. We decided we will go and explore Hayling Island. We heard a lot of Hayling Island from friends and we never have a chance to go and yesterday was the day. We got down there nice and easy, parked the car by the council carpark and started the Coastal Path walk with the boys. It was a bit crowded, full of cyclist, people and children but the boys behaved themselves beautifully and there was no problem at all. Both human and dogs enjoyed being outdoor and exploring new places! One thing, we could not get Sing out from the sea, he was so determined that he wanted to swim ALL THE TIME, he kept begging us to throw stick so he can retrieve. We have to stop every now and then to keep him satisfied!! All in all, I think he must have swam more than an hour!! He never get tired. I wonder is he a Toller or a Sheltie?? We spent good 5 hours at Hayling Island, 3.5 hours walking and 1.5 hours having our late lunch at the pub. We wanted some fish and chips but could not find any fish & chips shop around so we have to ended up eating at the pricy pub and the terrible food! I missed the scuzzy fish & chips!!
welcome to Hayling Island
Colin said this is the bridge separated the mainland and Hayling Island. I like the street lights, they are unusual shape compares to the one here.

The Harbour
Cute Hayling Cow

Come On, daddy!

At the end of the weekend, I wonder why I was so achy. Well, walking 6 hours a day will not kill me, I am pretty good in walking on my own pace. We used to go out walking every weekend and we walked miles and miles. I think climbing the trees were not help at all!! I actually climbed another tree at Hayling Island. It was a lovely tree for climbing; the branches were low and very easy to climb. When I was half way up the tree, I have realised Saturn and Titan actually followed me up the tree!! Don't be fool by the picture, we were actually about 10 feet off the ground!!