Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
A good way to end the season!

The photographer took this photo of Sizzle doing his weave, he looks like a spider to me! I always think he is a double strider but not until I saw this picture and watch the video again and again. It looks like he started with double striding and got faster and doing single striding. I have not seen a small dog doing single stridiging before.
Other than Sizzle going from Grade 3 to Grade 4 this weekend at Suffolk 5 Rivers; Saturn also surprised me by going Grade 6. Our first class was the Jumping, we've got eliminated in that class, he was hyper and not listen again and doing his own course! When we did our agility round, he was calmer (a bit too calm), I determined to get him to do his contacts by pointing at the bottom each time he was on it, so I know we went clear when we finished. I never even think about getting a place in that class as I feel we were slow, so I didn't go to check his time. We went straight to Helter Skelter from the Agility, he went clear in that, then we went for a good walk and forget all about checking his time.
As we were about to set home, I heard me and his name being called for presentation. I thought it could be the Helter Skelter class but it turned out to be he WON the Grade 5 Agility and that take him up to join the big boys in Grade 6! WooHoo! I feel good, really good!
I know I have a long list of winter projects for the boys!
I did ran Sing but he wasn't himself. He wasn't up to the challenge this weekend, then I saw him taking his paw up. I guess he needed a longer rest. The physio is still on holiday, maybe I should change to another one rather than waiting for her to come back.
Licosateria Mai POSH Gold
Saturday, September 26, 2009
more puppies photos!!
The Hennessy + Sing's family
Sing's Family
Ann and her children are the best puppy massager, all the pups look chilled on their lap and they all fell aleep after a while:
how chill can you be?
Ailish with Skye (aka Ferrari)Sian with daddy Sing and his little girl Sadie (aka Mercedes)
Samber gives Ryan a kiss to thank him for socialising with her babies
not puppy related but I like this Kung Fu kid!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Saturn's agility run and some photos and the jumping course
Here are some photos taken by Ric Yates at Thatcham UKA show on Friday, Colin was at work so video at all. These are all from the Steeplechase classes. I like to see/compare how tight my dogs turn:

Both Sing and Saturn are in the Novice Steeplechase
I think Sing turns so tight that save him some times!
this is the Graded 5,6,7 Jumping course we ran at Stour Valley, the plan is not as it scale, I just draw it with memories! The first weave entry cost a lot of dogs having a fault and most dogs went into the wrong end of the tunnel, Saturn was the one got eliminated at the tunnel. The tunnel set so close to jump #8, when Saturn landed, he was already in the tunnel.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
agility news and Sizzle update
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
daddy's girls - 7 weeks already and all CEA clear!
mama Samber wacthing over the girls' play
do you call this agile? Shame that she is not going to an agility home!
she is the most photogenic one
were you calling me?
travel in the car
we had a good agility weekend, more about that later ...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
more photos
uncle Sizzle is always happy to play with them
the girls still like the slide, they have been run up and down the ramp, for fun!
sorry folks, gotto post this picture, Porsche looks so funny!
I always start the tug game with one pup tugging at it, then another join in ...
... then they do it themselves
Ferrari loves her tuggy, in the mad way!
I think I prefer to have 2 pups or 4 pups as one is always get bully by the other two! It is unfair!!
play fight!
Ferrari is very cute, every night just before her bedtime, she loves to suck this little fluffy toy, then fell asleep.
Does this picture looks familiar to you? Yes, Zap was like that. Mercedes is most like him.
daddy's girls - 6 weeks
little red hood Mercedes
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sing is making history!
all smashing photos were taken by Steve Collins of momofoto
Everyone who knows Sing knew how much he loves water! He is not just a great swimmer but a good diver too. If you remembered I have post some photos of him diving into the freezing cold pond in Richmond Park last Autumn? Whenever we walk anywhere with lake/pond/water, we MUST let him get in there to satisfy himself, all weather! His breeder Paula said, he is a fish in disguise! How true is that?

So, off we go on the main pool. That is a different layout to the small pool. It has 30 feet long platform/runway and a 40 feet pool. The drop between the platform and the pool is only 2 feet, so you do not have to worry the dog gets hurt when they splash. The TOP dog is called Dash, a black lab cross with a pointer but he looks more like a lab, leaner and taller. He is holding the UK and European record. He jumps 28.5 feet!