Monday, November 06, 2006

GOOD and BAD weekend

I had a GOOD and BAD weekend.

The GOOD news --- Saturn was doing very well in his agility. Saturday was his first show, eventhough it was just a club show but he showed his ability. This was the first time that he ran a full course, all this time in training, he has not do more than 7 obstacles at once, I can't believe it when he finished the 17 obtacles! Isn't he a good boy?

Now for the BAD news. I've noticed my Titan is not himself on Saturday. He normally is a food obsessed dog but he shows no interest in any thing at all, and he lost his energy. I could not see anything wrong with him but I have a feeling he might have tummy bug. He seems to improved on Sunday morning, running around happily but when I give him his dinner, he turned his nose up, strange! When we took the dogs out in the Common, I can see the different. Even he was happily sniff around but he lost his energy again and at the end I have to carry him all the way home!! He has not been eaten for more than 48 hours now and he is going to see the Vet this evening.

Another BAD news. Skye somehow strain his back (I thought). I've noticed he cannot stand up at all this morning. I tried to lift him up and it looked he is stiff at the back, we don't know whether is the back legs or the back. I rush him to the Vet this morning and get him toroughly check and the Vet said he looked fine to him, temperature and colours vise seems normal. We both can see he is in agony but he just would not show where the pain come from. The Vet gave him 2 jabs, hopefully we can see a walking Skye again.

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