I was very excited about the Easter Celebration, hope to get something out from Sing and Saturn. I was too excited until I forgot to go to my club training last Thursday (and I only aware of it just a few minutes ago!!), how can that be? I am always keen on agility training, hardly miss a class!!
Anyway, I've got the caravan ready on Thursday, do all the necessary shopping for the weekend and wait for Good Friday to come. Unfortunately I caught either a 24 hours bug (what is that?) or food poisoning on Thursday night. I was totally flat out on Friday, no caravan, no dog show ... what a sad Easter!
I was eager to go to the show eventhough I was down with this bug, I beg Colin to drive me there. I told him if I cannot run the dog, I will be happy just to be at the show. Of course, when I get to the show, I straight into the ring and walk the course! I did't have a good run at all as I was still poorly and weak, people who knows me told me I looked rough and horrible, so I decided it is time to go home but Colin was having a headache, so I have to stay at the show for a while until he feels better. While waiting for him, I went to walk the Jumping course and off I went in with the boys again. Sing did a beautiful jumping round and poor him with the little legs are just not fast enough to get into placed.
Saturn was a bit naughty this weekend, he kept pulling himself out from the weaves to go and say hello to the judge and crowd, at first I thought it is because of the distraction but he did the same thing in every class, went in the weave entry beautifully and pull out at the 2nd pole, it becomes a "pattern" now. I am very worry about this and I need to sort this bad habit out asap, hopefully before the next show. Beside the little naughty thing he did, he had a lovely clear round in Helter Skelter.
We have not got any egg at the Easter Show, Sing had a 5th in Agility. I have been naughty and do a running contact with him all these times and the judge was very strict on contacts, so I was very carefull and being very slow with him on the contacts.
Little Titan being unlucky again. I do not know how but he seems to get himself into little trouble, a young BC got him and he was limping a little bit. Luckily he is fine now, back to his old self, being "evil" to Skye and Saturn, good sign!
The garden looks nice now, it is time to do a lot of practice, no more excuses ...
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