I have decided to castrate Seagull! --- Didn't he looks so cute in the photo? ---
what a shamed I have to do that?
I know this is a touch and go thing, there is no guarantee that all his bad habits will change or his temperament will change but I have to try it and hopefully there will be a miracle. Mind you, this is not cheap, the Vet will charge £170 to castrate him!
A lot of my friends do not agree with me, they are certain the castration will not change what he is now but a small part of my friends tell me to go ahead. I am not going to breed from him for sure, so castration is not going to damage him. I know what others might think of losing his manly hood but in general I think this will do him good. He is not a dominant dog at home but he likes to mark his territory when he is out walking and the worst is when taking him agility training, he will run to the jump and stop and cock his leg against the wing.
He is definitely not an aggressive dog, very friendly when meet other dogs but not children. He is very worry about boisterous child. There were many times he started chasing children in the park and a few times he went after the kids. This behaviour worried me a lot.
Picture above: Seagull playing with Saturn in Lake DistrictI have mentioned before, he is a dog oriented dog, he loves to meet other dogs and he does not know the others are friendly or unfriendly. A couple of years ago before we have any of the pups, we went to Mitcham Common for our usual walk. We came across a Greyhound, he does not look friendly to me, Sing has not shown any interest in him at all but Seagull without any hesitation, running towards him and it was an awful job to separate an aggressive Greyhound and a stupid sheltie. I thought Seagull at least learned his lesson not to approach all dogs. As we turn away from the Greyhound, we walk to the other side of the Common but after a while, we bounce into the Greyhound again, I thought Seagull should be smart enough not to go near him but I was so wrong. He saw him from a distance and without any hesitation, he ran towards him again and this time me and the Greyhound's owner were panic, we knew what is going to happen, YES, it happened again!! The Greyhound pin Seagull down on the floor and the two of us tried to get our dogs back. When all this happened, smart Sing was standing there watching.
Another Seagull disaster, also before we have all the pups ... one morning, as usual, I took Sing & Seagull to the Common for their walkies. After the walk, on the way back, walking along Manor Road, there are always some park cars by the kerb, can you believe it? Seagull walked into a park car!! There were plenty of room and I can't understand why he decided he should walked and bumb himself into the back of the car??
picture above: how can this beautiful dog is so doppey?
The recent disaster ... I always found some mess in the Utility bit every morning and I blamed the youngsters not until I caught him in action three days ago! I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and I saw him squarting, so I shouted at him, he looked up at me saying: CAN YOU BE QUIET? I AM DOING MY BUSINESS! I was nearly fainted when I have to pick his mess up. I could not belive my eyes when it happened!!
Some friends has told me that it could be me that didn't give him enough attention, well, I must admit I have spent more time training the pups but I have not ignore him at all. He has his walkies, give him treats when he is good, priase him when he does something nice, give him a cuddle every now and then. Tell him off when he is naugthy.
One thing I have realised, he does not like any of the pups when they were young (before they are 6-7 months old). He always bullied them when they were little, chase them off or bite them. When the puppies grew older, he accepted them and sometimes playing chasing games with them, especially with Titan. Also, he does not want to be in the pack, whenever we are out in the garden playing with the dogs or having a cup of tea, he always stay indoor, underneath the dinning table or in my office, he never join us. If I get him out, he will quietly sneak in again.
picture above: playing with Titan
I'm just thinking if we cannot get him clean, it would be very hard for us to go away camping/caravaning/staying overnight somewhere. I think I have to crate him again, poor Seagull, back to square one.
I have searched the Internet to find more about castrating a dog, most of them said it could improve the temperament a little, dog is likely to become more attached and attentive towards its owner.
I've also arranged with the Vet to give Seagull a TARDAK treatment before going ahead the operation, hopefully we can see some changes.