I went to the Common yesterday and was very surprised to see there are so many ducklings ALREADY! Colin wanted me to take some photos to show them to him. We always see the ducklings grow and counted each day how many are there and hopefully the foxes are not getting too many of them. We always got so upset when some of them are missing.
this is a cute little family
I like to see them following their mum or dad, very sweet
it is quite warm this morning, so there is no stopping Sing swimming in the pond
This photo of evil Titan is espeically for my little friend Ling who is having her final exam today at City U. Titan sends his GOOD LUCK wishes to her to do well in her exam!!
and this sunny photo of Seagull is for my nephews Boy & Boon (Boon is in Kent U). The boys like him so much and I knew Boon is missing him terribly. Boy is also having his final exam starting today, so GOOD LUCK from all of us! Boon's final exam is coming soon, also wish him lots of LUCK.
Lian they're goslings they would be most upset to be called ducklings :)
lovely photos Lian...i saw my first lot of ducklings today too! cool
lovely photos Lian
Haha =) thanks for the lovely photo of Titan!!! Thanks for all the BEST wishes and the photos of Sing jumping in the air to catch the ball were so GREAT!
Brilliant pictures Lian especially the one of Sing!
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