Saturday, May 03, 2008

Saturn and his A Frame

We went to GT Agility today. It is a long day for me, running Saturn in the Novice classes and Sing & Skye in Beginners classes, I am exhausted. I didn't sleep well last night and I have been very tired all day!
The highlight of my day is not Sing won the Beginners RC Agility but Saturn to get a "stunning" A Frame. For those who follow my blog knew that I have problem with Saturn spent last season freezing on top of the A Frame. I spent all winter long trying every method to solve this problem and I am very glad that I have endless support from all who tried to help me, especially Bernadette (who never gives up on me!!). As I thought we are ready for this season, the last two weekends (Wallingford & WBSDS) were nightmares, Saturn freezed on top of the A Frame at Newbury Showground again! I blamed the showground as he was alright at Chippenham and Spring at Shuttleworth.
The RC Agility course today was tricky, it is not a straight forward course, it involved a lot of handling, I found it very difficult to run Sing as he runs all his contacts. I remembered when I went to Toni Dawkins' training day a few months ago, we tried to work out the best way to encourage Saturn to go faster on the dog walk is to recall him and I never really dare to try this in competition (I'm probably a coward!) but in today's situation, the recall is the best thing and I am glad I did and I can see him power on.
For some of you may not find Saturn's A Frame is brilliant but for me, this is a good start, it actually bring some happy tears. His A Frame made my day, nothing is more important than seeing him doing this solid contact!

more news to follow, I am too tired and I need my bed desperately!!

1 comment:

Hudsondoglets said...

Best A-Frame I've seen him do for a long time.