Wednesday, June 13, 2007

bits and pieces

Weekend at Thames was hot and humid. We didn't do too well, Sing and Saturn got some places but not the top. I was glad with Sing's Dog Walk, he didn't get any faults at all this weekend, his running Dog Walk must be getting better!
I was watching the Champ finals on Sunday. It was very exciting, especially seeing Zen, Chi & Hattie running. My heart was pumping so hard and wanted the Shelties to win the Champ! I think if I continue watching Zen & Chi, I will soon have heart attacked! Well done to Lisa and Chi for their reserve ticket! Go Go Shelties!
Here is the photo of Sing with his red bandage, I took him to the Vet for blood test (for pet passport scheme). The bandage didn't last long, it only stay on his paw for few minutes and Sing chew it all off!! Luckily I've got the photo before he rip it. Kevin (the vet) thought red colour suit him, hahaha ...

1 comment:

Hudsondoglets said...

Hey, glad the running dog walk is starting to work! Keep practising and it will become perfect!

Yes, very hot at Thames!