Tuesday, November 13, 2007

finally ... some update about Seagull

A lot of friends ask me how is Seagull ... well, he still need his 100% cage rest. I started to let him out more on the lead, so his movement is limited. He has been a good boy, he lies on his bed on command and I can see his eyes follow me everytime I move. I feel very sorry for him but I know for his own good, I HAVE to not let him move at all!
I went to Lesley Olden's training day on Sunday and didn't get back till very late in the evening. When I got home, he was so happy to see me and when I let him out of the cage, he rushed to me for a fuss and cuddle. I then took him to the garden for his toilet on the lead and was very surprised to see him limping very badly. I've checked with Colin to make sure he didn't let him run around while I was not around, he promised Seagull was caged all day while I'm out.
I thought he could be cramped inside the cage for too long and decided to wait until the next morning to examine him. He looked fine yesterday morning and afternoon, a little limpy but not bad, then in the evening he started to get bad again. Weird!
I am going to take him to see the Vet tomorrow ... will update more later.

this is poor Seagull sleeping in the soft crate during the night.

I have put the soft crate in our bedroom, so he will not feel left out.


Paula said...

Poor Seagull, hope you have some good news from your vet and he can thrown some light onto why he's limping so badly in the evenings.

Hudsondoglets said...

Poor little chap. I do feel for him and for you. It's upsetting having to cage rest them, you just wish you could explain to them why it has to be.

Chi (Obay Truly Focused) said...

He looks like he has a very very comfortable bed.
Get well soon Seagull!

Karen said...

Get well soon little chap love karen and woofs xx