Our lovely fluffy friends Josh and Jessie in NZ tagged us:
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Also, at the same day, Colin was showing Seagull in a different ring together with me showing Sing. It was a male judge (I don't know and don't remember who he was as I was still a newbie then). Something very serious happened in that ring with Colin and Seagull and Colin only told me when we got home that day. He said: the judge told me sheltie is not a man's dog! He was so upset and swore never show the dog again!
I think whoever the male judge was, he shouldn't be allowed to comment on this, maybe he didn't aware that he has hurt Colin completely but Colin will always have the phobia of showing dog! How cruel!!
Now, let me tags five of my friends:
Shelties are great dogs for single men :) Every time dod Dad goes out with one of us, there will be heaps of females talking to him!!!! Mama doesn't like it much.... :)
Poor Colin. I thought sheepdogs were bred to help the shepherds with their sheep, and last I checked most shepherds were men!
The judge needs to get his facts straight!
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