Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Sizzle is better!

Sorry I haven't update about Sizzle for a couple of days. We have been busy.
Sizzle was still weak on Friday evening. Although my vet said not to feed him that night but he was looking for food, so I gave him a small amount of food to satisfy him. We then have a quiet night with no more vomit and diarrhoea. YEAH!
He woke me up about 5am on Saturday morning, he did have a couple of loose toilets, I tried to feed him small amount of food and pro-kaolin; in the late afternoon, he started to look better. I wonder was it Samber that perked him up. Samber is in season and all Sizzle wants is to chase her!
He might not be 100%, he still gets tired easily but he is definitely on the mend.

Sizzle: life is better if I can get her!


Vonnie said...

Good to hear sizzle in on the mend! He's lookinh lively in the pic! Poor Samber! it must be difficult having all the boys when the girls are in season!

Diana said...

Im so glad Sizzle is feeling better. Diana

Chris and Ricky said...

That's great news about Sizzle! We were worried!