Sunday, December 30, 2007
True Friends will leave pawprints in your heart
Friday, December 28, 2007
camera and photos
Santa and his Shelties look a like reindeers brought me this camera

I like this one the best, especially the Santa's legs!!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Ockham Common
some very kind person has left a lot of dog treats inside this box
Friday, December 21, 2007
update on Sing and Saturn's latest trick
Thursday, December 20, 2007
all I want for Christmas ... is ... HEALTHY dogs!
Update on Sing and Seagull

My golden boy
Seagull has his 3rd Carthrophen injection yesterday and have some X Rays. The X Rays showed there are some pulling away of the fracture fragment and the healing is still incomplete but the Vet was very happy with his physical improvement. He still need his cage rest for at least two more weeks AND he needs to lose weight too!!
He looks so sleepy after the anaesthetic
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Update on the pond incident
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Weather Warning!!
This is the last photo before the "accident". You can see Sing running/slippering and he fell into the thin ice close to those bushes (some water plants)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
5 Shelties and 2 Border Collies
Saturday, December 08, 2007
how do you spend your rainny weekend?
Thursday, December 06, 2007
catching up ...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Ryan and Titan
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
lovely walk
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
C Side & 1st SNOW!
Like the previous year, they have the Grade 1-3 classes in the morning and Grade 1-7 classes in the afternoon. I have entered Saturn & Skye in the 1-3 classes; Sing, Saturn & Skye in the 1-7 classes.
We started with Agility first thing in the morning, I ran Skye first, this was his first show so I am not expecting much from him since I have not done a lot of training with him. He was a very good boy, his contacts were lovely, I need to work harder on the weave (we are still on the "wire" stage) but his speed isn't great. There were a few people telling me that they think he is either struggled to jump the medium height or he is measuring every single jump! I need to find out the real problem and solve it!
Saturn was a very good boy, he was very excited and jolly and keeping his speed throughout the show. Unfortunately, my "alzheimer" problem confused him on the contacts again! I can get very excited (or nervous) when I go to a show, I always tell myself I have to be calmed and make sure what I want the dog to do but when I am running, I suddenly forgot everything!! I think I need someone to train me not the dog! In our agility round, when I sent him up the Dog Walk, he was fast for his speed and I was over excited and forgot to keep my eyes on his 2on/2off, and released him before he actually have his two front feet hit the ground. When we got on the A Frame, I was more careful and make sure he did his contact and he was a good boy then, the minute I saw him put his two front feet on the ground, I released him quick and his weave was fast too but my silly handling after the tunnel gave us a 5! He was very good at the Jumping classes, he got a 3rd in the 1-3 Jumping and a clear (he was one placed out from the places which they gave up to 4th) in 1-7 Jumping.
I let Ryan handled Sing in the 1-7 Jumping. Poor Sing is always a mummy's boy, he was looking out for me when Ryan set him up in front of the start line, I have to catch him a couple of times for Ryan but at least he did most of the course beautifully for Ryan until he went in the wrong tunnel and Ryan got a bit lost and he took the chance to ran off again!! I then handled him on the Agility myself, boy oh boy, I think his Dog Walk is getting better each time and he got a 4th. Hopefully all the "Hit It Board" hardwork paid off.
Ryan was working him in the 1-3 classes. He wasn't bad but he wasn't concentrate on what he was supposed to do. He is a everyone's dog and he likes to go and say hello to everyone. Hopefully, with more practise and more shows, he will learn to listen to Ryan more.
Here are the videos of Sing and Saturn @ C Side:
Thanks to C Side, the small and medium dogs finished nice and early, so we can pop in to see my in-laws in Brighton. On the way home, we even seen the first SNOW!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Beowulf and popcorn

Friday, November 16, 2007
-2.5c and walkies
these two crazy sheltie and collie!!
they don't care what temperature it is, all they want is to fetch something in the half frozen pond!
at 11am, the ground is still covered in deep frost!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
finally ... some update about Seagull
this is poor Seagull sleeping in the soft crate during the night.
I have put the soft crate in our bedroom, so he will not feel left out.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Thank you ESSC Working Section for a fantastic training day with Lesley Olden
Back again after lunch