Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sonic update

I do like blogging. I am so grateful to friends who read and send comments and emails when I post a problem or anything that I have doubt with. I appreciate all comments and take them seriously and considerably. I love to know there are friends out there who really care. 

I posted about taking Sonic to acupuncture a week ago and my friend Rosie suggested Chiropractor. I don't know how the chiropractor slip out of my mind. Thank you Rosie for reminding me, I have made an appointment immediately and got the appointment today to take Sonic to see the lovely Susan Sargent. She has been treating Sizzle and Sonic and me in the beginning of the year. 

Susan ran her hand on Sonic today and find some very tight spots, especially in the lower back and near his spine/hip area. After a few flickery treatment, she gave him a good massage to loosen his muscle up. Sonic was probably very sore and he actually didn't mind the "flicking" at all today. Bless my little boy, he is a superstar! He went all mellow when Susan gave him the massage. He loves the massage!

Later when we got home, we went to bed together for a few hours :) Susan said he will be tired and sore but hey, he is full of bean after a good sleep!

This photo was taken @ DiNAS when we went for a walk in the Heath. Poor boy is not allow to play ball or frisbee ... so no good photos for a long time :) I think a plain posing is very boring :)

This is Sonic with his daddy and full sister Skye


Sara said...

Hope the chiro helped Sonic out :)

Diana said...

I hope Sonic feels better soon. Poor boy.

Jolanda said...

Good she found something she can actually treat, I hope Sonic's back to his old self very soon! I know chiro worked very well for Skye!

Vonnie said...

Pawsitive vibes sent to Sonic that the Chiro helped