Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Zap 7 weeks
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Zap & a bit of agility
he likes to chase moving object, so every morning when my mum has her mop out in the kitchen, he thinks that is his playtime
sorry, these pictures are a little blurry, he moves too fast!!
I think he is a little wild child, he likes outdoor so much, when the weather is good, he spends most of his time in the garden
Titan is getting so much better with him, he started to tease him to play but this photo can tell you who wins!!
we had a relaxing Saturday, he joins us on your bed for a little lie-in
father and son
my superb boys! They are so good to take photos with and they will sit there all day for me to take silly photos and do not dare move an inch!
My gorgeous Boyz!!
Now, the boys with my little girl
We went to Agility Club on Sunday, that was the last Crufts Team qualifier of this year, unfortunately, the ESSC Medium Team didn't make it again but all the shelties did their best and ran superbly! Sing and I are very proud to be on the Team.
Sing was a very good boy, he has 3 runs and 3 clears out of 3! Eventhough he didn't get a place but I was very pleased with him, he has put up a gear in his two agility runs.
Saturn was a good boy too. He has a nice speed in his jumping round, unfortunately I moved too quickly before he committed the weave entry, that was entirely my fault but I have homework for him now. I am so glad to see he is all happy again. In his agility run, I didn't insist him to do his 2o/2o on his contacts, reason being, I want him to be happy so I will restrain his contacts in the winter but at the meantime, I want him not to hesitate going down the A Frame. He surprised me with a 7th place.
here is a little video, at the end of the agility runs, I included Sizzle's running dog walk:
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sizzle & Zap playing
Zap 6 weeks
Monday, July 20, 2009
Zap has visitors!
meeting autie Kyung and uncle Russ
playing on the dinning table?
he is a "working" sheltie, working hard to chew that piece of tissue paper!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Zap had a busy day
what was he targeted?
ready ... steady ... get set ... GO!
Zap: I am gonna get you!
Sizzle: I WARN you, do not disturb me while I am weaving!
can you imagine he was a dog that do not know how to tug before?
always a happy boy!
Zap: that looks fun, can I join in Sizz?
my handsome young man all grown up now!
This afternoon we took Zap out to Wimbledon to have a coffee. We wander in a camping shop, a book store, a charity shop then sat outside Morrison for a nice cup of coffee and some cakes! There were a lot of people coming up for a fuss and good little Zap took everything in his stride. Thanks to him, I got some opportunity to eat more cakes! Yeah!
watching the world goes by ...
he is so little and he gets tired easily.