Thursday, July 30, 2009

Zap 7 weeks

Zap turns 7 weeks old yesterday, I didn't get a chance to post some photos. The weather was lousy and can't get any decent photos of him. Also, we have Ann and Ailish and their three Terriers visiting Zap. Zap was very good with Ann and Ailish and at one point, he even try to play with Fizzle (we think she is a little JRT x Sheltie).
I took Zap with me to Pachesham this morning, this is his thrid time at Pachesham. He got to run in the field with his big brothers and he is very brave, he saw the horses and ponies and they didn't bother him.
with dadday Sing on the logs
Kieren is playing with the boys
daddy Sing got the ball
Zap: uncle Saturn, I want that ball!
Zap: wait for me!!

meeting Igloo

Zap: I bet I can get this off you.

Zap: I am going to try harder!

... but here comes Saturn

three ways tug

Zap: nevermind, I found a piece of rubber

and this is a very sleepy Zap


Vonnie said...

One lucky owner who is getting Zap! He is just brilliant and outgoing! I hope he will be going to be doing agility!:) Pity I won't get to meet him! :(

Diana said...

Those pictures are so wonderful. Diana